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Collie Goods Shed Maintenance Heritage at work

Thanks to all involved in the HSA pilot project on the Collie Shire Goods Shed.

The painting, carpentry and roof plumbing maintenance heritage work, is almost complete! The work facilitates the continuing use of the building, by the local community and the

Collie Rail Heritage Group.

Element's Heritage Architect Kyra Lomas and Colgan Industry builder Nathan Colgan, on site with interested young professionals and master carpenter Glyn.

Alec & Salem,working for Zinclad, worked on renewing the Collie Goods Shed gutters & down pipes.

Collie local's trainee Kieran and master painter Marty, both working for TR Anderson Painting. The exterior has been repainted, after the preservation work done in 1997 by the Collie Rail Heritage Group.

Alec, from Zinclad, working supervised at height on the gutters

Alec and Salem, from Zinclad, soldering the new gutters for the Collie Goods Shed.

Kieran, working for TR Anderson Painting, painting the exterior of the Collie Goods Shed.

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